Product Price Header


This entity contains the different instances of a Product Price List for many different fiscal years. It will allow the registry and update of entire detailed prices, average prices and projected prices; the last two prices are managed by external process that will calculate the accurate values for them.



Purchasing ► Catalogue Item Price Projection ► Product Prices Header


Product Price Header Screen Fields




Unique identification number of the Product Price Header. It is automatically assigned by the system.
LanguageCountry specific language to enter the description.
NameName of the Product Price Header.
Fiscal YearIndicates the current fiscal year when the Price List it is being created.
Product Price TypeIndicates the Product Price Type.
Product Price FormulaIndicate the formula to be used to generate the projected prices for the current Product Price Header.
Fixed Increment Or DecrementIndicates the factor to be used to add/subtract to the Price list final projected prices.
Historical Product PriceReference to the Historical prices that must be used to generate the average and projected prices for the current list.
StatusIndicates the status of the Product Price Header. Possible values are Open or Close.
CurrencyCurrency for the Product Price Header.
Exchange RateIndicates current currency exchange rate for the selected currency.
Created ByIndicates the user who created the Product Price Header.
Last Updated ByIndicates the user who updated the Product Price Header last.
Product Price AverageStores all of the average prices for the current list based on the Price product list type regions and historical prices.
Project Product PriceStores all of the final projected prices for the current list based on the applied formula and the average prices for the current list.
Product Price DetailStores all of the entries related to the Product Price List, including manual entries, imported data from files or historical data.