Cash Planning Report


This report shows detailed information for a Cash Plan including budget amounts (original, current, actual, etc.) and cash plan amounts (original, current). It shows information for a specific cash plan type such as plan of receipts, plan of payments, etc. not for consolidated cash plans. The report can be filtered by fiscal year, cash plan type, status, detail level (annual, fiscal period or date), coding block or fiscal period. Also, the report can be group by any CoA concept (level) for each segment in the cash management CoA group. This allows analyzing the displayed amounts at different levels of segregation. Using the filtering functionality such as coding block, this report allows generating cash plan information by different criteria such as source of financing, institution, agency, cost center, expense/revenue type, etc. (basically by any of the elements including in the CoA). 


Cash Planning Report screen include the following fields:

Fiscal YearFiscal year for which cash planning report is to be generated.
Fiscal PeriodFiscal period relating to cah planning report is to be generated.
Cash Planning TypeCash planning type of Cash planning is to be selected from dropdown box.
Cash Plan StatusStatus of Cash plan is to be selected from the dropdown box.
Detail LevelDetails to be shown in the report which may be annual, based on  fiscal period or date, is to be selected from this field.
CurrencyCurrency in which the report is to be generated.
CommentComment on the report is mentioned in this field.