Refers to Catalogue containing information related to Civil Society Organizations that can be invited to observe a bid. CSO Organization must be added in the Audit trail.
My Organization ► Organization Profile
Civil Society Organization screen fields and Tabs
Field | Description |
Code | This is an Unique identifier. Setup parameter to determine if entered by user or system generated. If it is system generated, it is left padded with zeros. |
Name | Name given by the user to the CSO |
CSO Type | This is the Type of Community Service Organization |
Nature of Organization | This is the Nature of Organization |
Is Active | The possible values available for this chcekbox are True/False .By defualt this is true. |
Workflow Status | Workflow related. Possible values are 'Created'; 'Send for Approval'; 'Approved'; 'Rejected'. Default Value is 'Created'. |
Workflow Process Transition | Process transition from one state to other. |
Is Registered Thorugh Web Portal | Possible Values: TRUE/FALSE.This attribute will indentify if the CSO was generated using the REGISTER form - outside the GRP - or by the GRP sys admin/assigned user. |
Registered Date | Date in which the CSO was registered. |
Country | Country of Origin Of the CSO |
Region | Region where the CSO is located |
Province | Configuration Stage, user defined |
City Municipality | Configuration Stage, user defined |
Street Address | Street Address, user defined |
Zip Code | User defined field for registration purposes. |
Coverage Region | This states the region of the CSO and is a collection from 1 to many. |
Barangay | Barangay is Region Type. |
CSO Registration
Users: CSO & ADMIN
1. CSO select Online Registration Option on the log in page.
2. Enters the email and submit, system will send the registration form in email.
3. CSO opens the Registration form from email and enters the required information.
4. CSO submits the Registration form for approval from PhilGEPS.
5. Submission creates a pending task for ADMIN users.
6. Pending task appears in screen for ADMIN Users to open and check the details of submitted information.
7. ADMIN user have the option to check for potential duplicates that already exist based on Registration number. (Exceptions are for Multilateral
Bank and Oversight Agency as they doesn’t require Registration Number).
8. ADMIN user has the option to Approve or Reject the agency registration.
9. If Approved, system generates the User automatically based on the combination of first character of First Name and complete Last Name,
and sends the email notification to the contact’s email containing Username and password.
10. If Rejected, information stays in the system but with status = Rejected.