Cost Driver Packages


This Tab is used to manage (add, update or remove) cost driver packages in a budget plan.  By using this Tab, the User can manually enter cost drivers through selecting cost driver packages which will generate budget lines (under the Budget Lines Tab). The budget lines created are summarized by Coding Block.

The Cost Drivers selected under the Cost Driver Tab are not copied under the Cost Driver tab.  The only way to manage those generated budget lines is through the Cost Driver Packages tab.

The screen is divided into two sections. The search criteria section allows to search existing cost driver packages by different criteria, in addition to the Institution. The Cost Driver Package Institution will need to be null (not specified under Cost Driver Package) or match the Budget Plan Institution or be a parent to the Budget Plan Institution.


Cost Driver Packages Tab screen Fields




Cost Driver Package Code.

Cost Driver Type

Cost Driver Type associated to the Cost Driver Package.


Cost Driver Package Name.

Is Mandatory

Refers to “All Cost Drivers Mandatory” indicator under the Cost Driver Package.