Product Price Average


The average prices stores the details after a calculation process is run over the details entered or imported for a specific Product price list.


Product Price Average Tab Screen Fields



Catalogue Item

Indicates the Catalogue Item for the one that the average price will be stored in this entity.

Non Historical Average Price Dc

Indicates the domestic price populated from the catalogue item.

Non Historical Average Price Fc

Indicates the foreign price populated from the catalogue item entity.

Historical Average Price DcDomestic Historical price for the catalogue item. This value is taken from the historical data based on the historical data set indicated in the Product price list given by “Projected Prices".
Historical Average Price FcIndicates the average historical price extracted from POs approved in immediately previous fiscal year to the one used by the Product price list.
Average Price DcAverage price calculated base in all details from the “Approved” details that contains information for the indicated catalogue item for the current list.
Average Price FcRepresents the average price in foreign amount, including all of the rows entered as part of the details for the Product Price List (includes all of the sources entered in Product Price List details).
Last Calculation DateAuto assigned by the system.