Regional Breakdown of Income


To analyze the composition of income per region.


General Ledger ► Reports ► Philippines Reports ► Regional Breakdown of Income

Regional Breakdown of Income Screen Fields



Fiscal Year

Mandatory-Allow to select fiscal year.

Fiscal Period

Mandatory - Allow to select fiscal period from the drop down.


Mandatory - Allow to select Department which roll up from the "Agency" and allow to select "Agency" which roll up from operating unit and allow to select the Operating Unit. When select the operating unit the corresponding agency and department will be print. (Show department/agency/operating unit in the drop down)

Fund Cluster

Non-mandatory, allow many selection from concept "Fund Cluster" in the "Fund" segment of UACS. IF none selected, value for all will be displayed.

Allotment Class

Mandatory-Allow multiple selection from allotment class from UACS. Which is roll up from "Sub-major account group"


Optional.  This will be filled up after the report is printed out.