This describes the payment details when the Vendor pays certain fees to PhilGEPS.
ePayment ► Payment Transaction
ePayment screen fields and Tab
Field | Description |
Code | Unique identifier. Setup parameter to determine if entered by user or system generated. When system generated, it will be left padded with zeros. |
Vendor | Identifies the Vendor, through the vendor code, paying for a transaction. |
Payment Method | List of values include Cash and ePayment. |
Notice | This references the relation of the payment transaction to a specific Notice when Fee Type is Bidding Documents and Bid Security |
Fee Type | This specifies the fee that Vendor intends to pay online. The value for this field is automatically filled by the system based on the previous page where the ePayment was triggered. Values can be:Membership Fee,Bidding Documents,Bid Security Fee,4Additional Contact Fee,Additional Catalogue for Products/Services |
Payment Processor | It is a Payment Procesor entity.List of values include:Land Bank of the Philippines (LBP), Development Bank of the Philippines (DBP), GCash |
Payment Confirmation No | If Payment Option is Electronic, the third-party processor generates a Payment Confirmation No. after successfully processing the payment. That value is stored in this field. |
Transaction Amount | Specifies the amount paid by the Vendor |
Transaction Fee | Actual Amount of Processing Fee charged by the third party payment processor to the Vendor. |
Total Amount | This value is calculated by the system, given the formula: Transaction Amount + Transaction Fee |
Payment Date And Time | Date and Time when the payment was made as recorded in the system. |
User: Suppliers and Admin
Bidding Document Fee
User: Suppliers
1. Vendor selects the bidding documents he intends to pay for.
2. Vendor selects option to pay online.
3. System carries parameters of ordered bidding documents
a. Parameters include Notice ID of the bidding documents, the amount/fee specific to each bidding document, the Vendor ID and the total amount
to be paid.
4. Vendor chooses the Payment Processor.
a. Depending on the chosen Payment Processor, the system will behave as follows:
i. Land Bank of the Philippines – system will redirect to Land Bank’s own user interface
ii. Development Bank of the Philippines – system will redirect to DBP’s own user interface iii. GCash – PhilGEPS system displays the following fields {Mobile Number, Total Amount to be Paid}
5. Depending on the chosen Payment Processor, the user will perform the following:
a. Land Bank of the Philippines UI
i. The Vendor will enter all required information and submit for processing
b. Development Bank of the Philippines UI
i. The Vendor will enter all required information and submit for processing
c. GCash (uses the UI of PhilGEPS)
i. The Vendor enters all required information for GCash and submits for processing.
6. Third-party payment processor executes processing of the electronic payment information
a. If GCash, GCash will send a text message to the Vendor’s GCash mobile number
b. Vendor will have to enter his MPIN through his mobile phone to confirm the transaction
7. Third-party payment processor generates a confirmation receipt and transmits this back to the PhilGEPS system
8. PhilGEPS system records payment confirmation from the third-party payment processor and generates an e-OR.
a. System will update pending task “Pending Payment”; decrements count by 1.
9. Vendor prints e-OR for his own record keeping.