Subsidiary Ledger Report


The purpose of this report is to verify the movement of the transaction of the each sub-ledger based on the sub-ledger type like Vendor, Customer or Bank Account.


General Ledger ► Reports ► Philippines Reports ► Subsidiary Ledger Report

Subsidiary Ledger Report Screen Fields



Fiscal Year

Mandatory-Allow to select fiscal year.

From Date

Allows to select Form date from date picker

To Date

Allows to select To date from date picker

Operating Unit

Mandatory- Allow to select from concept "Operating Unit" in the "Organization" Segment of UACS. (Based on selection 4.8 Department & 4.9 Entity Name filled up corresponding with operating unit). Print based on selection

Fund Cluster

Optional - Allow many selection from concept "Fund Cluster" in the "Fund" segment of COA.

Sub Ledger Type

Mandatory -Single selection allow to select from the drop down type of the sub-ledger (Sub-ledger type field) from the sub-ledger table


Optional.  This will be filled up after the report is printed.