Summary Of Revenue By Classification Report


Summarised report on Revenue by classfification is generated through this report.



General Ledger ► Reports ► Laos Reports ► Summary Of Revenue By Classification Report


Summary Of Revenue By Classification Report screen Fields



Fiscal Year

Fiscal Year for which the revenue report is generated, is selected from drop down box.

From Date

Initial Date of revenue that is taken into consideration for report generation purpose, is selected from calendar button.

To Date

End Date of revenue that is taken into consideration for report generation purpose, is selected from calendar button.

Treasury Office

Institution of Treasury Office to which the revenue relates, is selected from lookup button.


Currency of revenue is selected from drop down box.

Revenue Classification

Classification on which the revenue falls is seelcted in this field.


Comment on the report on revenue, is entered in this field.

Coding Block Filter Type

Filter Type applied on the revenue report is selected from drop down box. Possible filters are: Coding Block, Coding Block Expression Filter, Hierarchical Coding Block Elements.


Segment is selected from drop down box. Possible values are: Fund, Fund Source, Organisation, Program and Object.


Concept get automatically selected depending on the value selected for the Segment.