Debt Management ► Reports ► Weekly Treasury Bill Auction Report
Weekly Treasury Bill Auction Report screen Fields
Field | Description |
Report Date | Current Date is mentioned in this field. |
Report Time | Current Time is mentioned in this field. |
User Code | Users by whom the report is generated is mentioned in this field. |
Period | The current period is mentioned in this field. |
Fiscal Year | The current Fiscal Year is selected in this field. |
Issue Date | The issue date of the bond is selected in this field for filtering records. |
Amount Accepted: 91 days | Amount accepted if the number of days is 91. |
Amount Accepted: 182 Days | Amount accepted if the number of days is 182. |
Amount Accepted: 364 Days | Amount accepted if the number of days is 364. |
Weighted Average Yield Rates(%): 91 Days | This data is fetched externally and to be left blank by users, if the number of days is 91. |
Weighted Average Yield Rates(%): 182 Days | This data is fetched externally and to be left blank by users, if the number of days is 182. |
Weighted Average Yield Rates(%): 364 Days | This data is fetched externally and to be left blank by users, if the number of days is 364. |
Total - 91 Days | Total of all amount in 91 days. |
Total - 182 Days | Total of all amount in 182 days. |
Total - 364 Days | Total of all amount in 364 days. |
Page Number | The current page number. |
Total Page Number | The total number of pages in the report. |