My Applications


This screen provides an employee with the option of viewing the positions which they have already applied for, as well as updating themselves on the status of the application.


How to SEARCH:

  1. Enter the information to be used as retrieval criteria in the appropriate field (s). If you prefer to see a list of all Applications, leave all fields blank.
  2. Click on the Find icon 

The My Application screen includes the following fields:

Report FieldsDescription
Recruitment RequisitionUnique code of the recruitment requisition
Requisition DateThe date the requisition was created
Internal End DateThe date that the internal job posting ends
Apply DateThe date that the internal job posting was applied on
InstitutionThe institution of the internal job
PositionThe position of the internal job
Cost Item Scale GroupThese fields contain information about the non-salary scale bonuses that will be used in the cost item scale
Cost Item Scale LevelLevel information associated to the Cost Item Scale of the position
Cost Item Scale StepStep information associated to the Cost Item Scale Level of the position
Work LocationThe location that the position is situated
RecruiterThe recruiter in charge of the internal job
ContractorThe contractor in charge of the internal job
LanguageLanguage used
CommentAny additional comments regarding the internal job