PMIS New Hire


The new hire screen allows users to creates an employee and an employee assignment.


Human Resources ► PMIS Interface ► PMIS New Hire

PMIS New Hire Screen Fields

The unique code for New Hire.
It allows users to select the status from the drop-down list. The possible values are Finalized, In Process, etc.
Sent Timestamp
The date when the leave request is sent.
Received Timestamp
The date when the leave request is received.
Finalized Timestamp
The date when the leave request is finalized.
It allows selecting the employee using the lookup feature.
Employee Assignment
It allows selecting the employee assignment using the lookup feature.
Hire Type
The type of hiring of the employee i.e Permanent or Temporary.
Situation Code Combination
The situation determines the type of employment e.g. Indeterminate Full Time, Part Time, Planned staffing.
PMIS Id This number will populate the social number. The reason we do not populate the employee application with this number is that it is not unique in their PMIS system. More than one employee may have the same number.
PMIS Full Name
The Employee Full name.
PMIS First Name
The employee First name has to enter.
PMIS Last Name
The employee Last name have to enter.
PMIS Date of Birth
The employee date of birth, the date format should be YYYY-MM-DD.
PMIS Place of Birth
The employee birthplace.
PMIS Gender
The gender of the employee.
The gender of the employee allows selecting from the drop-down list.
PMIS Citizenship
The citizenship of the employee in PMIS.
The system allows selecting employee citizenship from the drop-down list.
Country of Origin
The origin country of the employee.
PMIS citizenship.
PMIS Marital Status
The marital status of the employee in PMIS.
Marital Status
It allows selecting the marital status from the drop-down list.
PMIS Address
The employee address in PMIS.
The telephone number of the employee.
PMIS Has Worked in Government
The working status of the government. If the checkbox is checked that means the employee has worked with the government.
PMIS Document Signed Date
The document signed date.
PMIS Election IdThe election id of the employee.
PMIS Employee Position
The employee position from PMIS.
Employee Position
The employee position can be selected using the lookup feature.
PMIS Salary Scale
The salary scale of the employee.
Cost Item Scale Group
The cost item group allows selecting from the drop-down list.
Cost Item Scale
It allows users to select the cost item scale from the drop-down list.. 
Cost Item Scale Step
It allows users to select the cost item scale step from the drop-down list. 
ST Amount
It shows the ST Amount.
Is Off Scale
The default it is unchecked.
PMIS Monthly Salary
The PMIS monthly salary populates from the web service. 
PMIS Assignment Start Day
The employee PMIS Assignment start date. The date format should be YYYY-MM-DD.
PMIS Assignment End Day
The employee PMIS Assignment End date. The date format should be YYYY-MM-DD.
PMIS Institution
The institution code populate from web service.
This field allows users to select the institution from the lookup feature or manually can enter.
PMIS Department
The employee department populates from web service.
PMIS Workplace
The workplace of the employee populates from the web service.
Work LocationThe user can select the work location using the lookup feature or manually can enter.
PMIS Observations
This field populated from the web service.
PMIS Payment Method
Payment method comes from the web service.
PMIS Bank Account
The bank account details populates from the web service.
PMIS Bank Name
The bank name.
EPI Pay Method
It display the employee pay method.
EPI Pay Type

It display the employee pay type.

EPI Pay Value
It displays the Pay value of the employee.
EPI Bank Account Branch
This field dispalys the bank account branch.
EPI Bank Account Name
It displays the employee bank account.
EPI Bank Account Number
It display the employee bank account number.
EPI Bank Account IBAN
It dispalys the employee bank account IBAN.
EPI Bank Account NTC
It displays the employee bank account NTC.
EPI Bank Account Currency
It displays the currency.
EPI Account Type
The employee account type.
EPI Routing Information
The routing information shows in this field.
EPI Comments
It displays the comment.
EPI Pay Agent
The paying agent information available in this field.
EPI Payment Location
The payment location for the employee.
EPI Send By Mail
The default value is false.
EPI Address
The employee address populates in this field.
EPI Cheque
The cheque number populates in this field.
PMIS Coding Block Element 1
The coding block 1 element shows in this field.
PMIS Coding Block Element 2
The coding block 2 element shows in this field.
PMIS Coding Block Element 3
The coding block 3 element shows in this field.
PMIS Coding Block Element 4
The coding block 4 element shows in this field.
PMIS Coding Block Element 5
The coding block 5 element shows in this field.
Coding Block
This field allows the user to select the coding block using the lookup feature or manually can enter.
Default Language
Users can select the desired language from the drop-down list. The default language is English.
The currency can be select from the drop-down list. 
Shift Schedule
This schedule details if the employee works Monday, Tuesday.... and at what percentage. The default shift schedule comes from the situation code combination.
Utilization Rate
Percentage of effort for the assignment. If an employee has 2 active assignments then the utilization should not surpass 100% between the two.
Pay Code
Pay code groups the employees that are paid in the same pay periods together.
Spoken LanguagesIt allows users to enter the Spoken Languages. The default language is English.