Travel Request


The user can review, fill out and submit travel requests for Business Trips. The user can also see other employee's going on the same Business Trip.


How to SEARCH:

  1. Enter the information to be used as retrieval criteria in the appropriate field (s). If you prefer to see a list of all Travel Requests, leave all fields blank
  2. Click on the Find icon

The Travel Request screen includes the following fields:



Foreign Trip

Identifies if the trip is outside the country

Group Trip

Identifies if this trip will be attended by one or by multiple parties 

Creation DateDate Travel Request is created
Start DateStart Date of trip (departure date)
End DateEnd Date of trip (return date)
Business Start DateDate Business Trip intended event starts
Business End DateDate Business Trip intended event ends


Contains the central repository for all currencies used throughout the system

StatusStatus of Travel Request


Describes the purpose of the business trip

Traveling Employee

The employee leaving on a business trip

GroupSelect group if applicable

Cost Coding Block

This entity has the information of every coding block with the structure (number of elements and order of concepts) of the Group

Requesting Employee

The employee requesting the business trip

Exchange RateExchange rate of destination

Estimated Cost

The estimated cost (budget) for the trip

Transportation CostIndicates cost related to transportation

Miscellaneous Cost

Indicates any miscellaneous amounts

Actual Cost

The actual total cost of the trip

Advanced Amount

Indicates the advanced funds amount the employee is requesting in order to undertake the trip

Actual Cost (Dc/Fc)Actual cost
LanguageLanguage Used
CityCity of business trip
DescriptionDescription of trip

Trip Remarks

Provides for a brief remark on the trip outside of the trip description

RemarksOther remarks
ApproverTrip approver
AttachmentsAttachments related to trip
Business Trip LogisticBusiness Trip logistic records