Classification Type


Classification Type is a general catalogue for the Budget Planning module which allows classifying coding blocks with different types such as revenue, expenses, salary, non-salary, debt, etc. for validation and reporting purposes. The mentioned coding blocks are included in the budget lines as part of a budget plan. This entity works as a catalogue which can be applicable to many scenarios and budget versions.

Classification Type is an independent process of posting data into a Budget Planning, therefore defining a Classification Type can be done before or during the entering of data into a Budget Plan, but in order to have a proper Budget Line’s coding block classification the process of defining and creating the Classification Types should be prior to the final posting of information into a Budget Plan.



Budget Planning ► Classification and Flow Type ► Classification Type


Classification Type screen Fields




This is a unique identifier that is automatically assigned by the system.

Classification Type Class

This attribute will be used as discriminator for validation and reporting purposes. The possible values are Revenue, Expenditure and Other.


The language used to describe the Classification Type.


The name of the Classification Type.

Definition Tab

This is the collection of classification type definitions. Each definition will contain a coding block or a coding block expression.