Bid Evaluation Taxes Definition


This entity will contain all of the taxes that the system will include for each of the items that will be evaluated financially during a Bid evaluation process and specifically the process of Financial evaluation.

Bid Evaluation Taxes Definition Tab screen Fields

Serial NumberSerial number of the Tax Items created. Auto generated by the system. Starting at 1 for each new Bid Evaluation.
TaxAllow the user to select only taxes that are active.
Is Tax Included in the PriceIf Yes, then the value of goods/services already include the tax amount, else Tax amount should be added / deducted.
Tax Percentage“Read Only Field” to show the effective tax percentage of the selected tax defined in tax table.
Added / DeductedTo indicate if the tax amount is added to the goods price or deducted from it. Default value is: Added.
Tax DateDate of the Tax added.