One or more Funding Sources can be associated with a Contract, for instance: Donators, Financial Organizations, Government, etc.
Contract Founding Source screen fields
Fields | Description |
Funding Source | Reference to the Funding Source base entity such as Federal Government, World Bank, International Monetary Fund, etc. |
Amount | Amount given by the Funding Source organization for the Contract. This attribute must be entered in the currency of the Contract. The System will show the Currency symbol in the screen. The sum of amounts of all the Funding Sources must be less or equal to the Total Amount in the referenced Contract. The attribute is not mandatory because some Funding Sources could provide materials, products, etc. not necessarily money. |
Language | Language used. |
Funding Detail | Provides details of the Funding. For example, details of the materials, products, or any other Funding Source. This attribute is mandatory if the Amount field is empty. |