Award Notice


This entiy enables the BAC to award the notice to a specific vendor or Joint Venture. The Award might be:

  1. Item Level
  2. Lot Level


My PhilGeps Award Notice

Notice screen fields and Tab




Unique identifier. Setup parameter to determine if entered by user or system generated. When system generated, it will be left padded with zeros.

WFP Status

Possible Values: Created;Request Approval;Approved;Proceed;Approved-Awarded;Awarded-Contract Take-Over;Cancelled;

Award Notice Type

Possible values: 'Normal Award Notice'; 'AMP Award Notice'

Bid Evaluation

The Bid Evaluation Parent of the ranking

Awarded Item

The Item to be awarded to the Vendor or Joint Venture

Awarded Notice

The awarded notice

Ranked List Of Vendors

The Final vendor for the Bid Evaluation Process


The vendor list per ranking


Possible Values:

'Critical Plant Components',

'Exclusive Dealer/Manufacturer',

'Proprietary in Nature',

'Goods - General Support Services',



Default value = 'Proprietary in Nature'


Control Number

A reference number for the Award Notice, user defined

Approved Budget

Amount allocated for the project

Area of Delivery

The region where the Items are to be delivered

Delivery Period

Number of days for the items to be delivered

Procuring Entity

The parent institution for the award notice

Contract No.:

Contract number for the Notice of Award

Contract /Official Receipt No.

Official receipt for the contact act

Award date

The combination of

  • Date
  • Time

of the Award Notice


Contract Amount

Amount entitled for the budget

Contract Title

A description about the contract

Award Resolution/Reason

A description regarding the Award Resolution

Line item

The item/items awarded to the vendor

BAC Resolution Attachment

Supporting documents to the Bid Evaluation Process.

Notice to Proceed

An award process requires a notice to proceed in order to be finalized




1. User is logged into the system.
2. When a bidder (vendor) has been awarded for a specific notice and he/she has accepted the award  ,then               
      a.The notice is considered Awarded
3.  This is the last status of the Notice hence last change for an Auditor to upload a report.