Monthly Accruals Logs


The information from this Entity will populate the "Log" tab of the Accruals Generation screen. 


Human Capital ► Payroll and Financial  ► Monthly Accruals Generation ► Monthly Accruals Logs


Monthly Accruals Logs screen Fields



Fiscal Period

Fiscal Period for this log

Log Date

Date at which the accruals were generated,  generated by the system.

Number of Transactions

For all Accruals Generations, except Year-End Accruals, this attribute corresponds to the total number of transactions generated, as part of the accruals generation, including the successfully generated transactions OR the successfully generated reversals.
ValueFor all Accruals Generations, except Year-End Accruals, this attribute corresponds to the total value of the transactions successfully generated OR the associated reversal transactions, in the following Accounting Fiscal Period.
StatusCurrent status of Accruals Generation.  Possible values are:”Generating ”, "Generated", “Generation Cancelled”, “Exported “, “RollBack”, and **Added: "Export_Rollback".
TotalCalculated total amount of the transaction, from the Accruals Generation.