Bank Reconciliation Process


The Bank Reconciliation process is basically about reconciling the Bank transactions which will be imported from the Bank Statement with the relevant General Ledger transaction in the Journal Voucher Item entity (Cash Book).



Treasury Management ► Bank Reconciliation ► Bank Reconciliation Process


Bank Reconciliation Process screen fields and Tab




Application ID

User-defined, unique ID. Code of transaction type contained in the Bank statements. Manually entered by users.

Reconciliation Transaction Type

The type of the Journal Voucher used in transaction. The Possible values are Cheque, Deposit, and Adjustment etc.

Reconciliation Type

Type of reconciliation can be selected from the dropdown list. It can be Manual or Auomatic.

Reconciliation Process TypeType of reconciliation process can be selected from the dropdown list.


Users can lookup and select the country specific Language to register the abbreviation and description from drop down list.


Users can enter brief description of the reconciliation transaction type.