FCB Maps

ActiveDefault is true.  If set to false, the Financial Code Mapping is not available.
CodeUnique Code, manually entered by user.
External FieldReference to an External Field associated with the Financial Coding Block segment.
Default ValueDefault value is null.   If required, a default value must be entered by the user, and is allowed only if Identification Field is null. The size of Default Value is as per the size of the Identification Field.
External=InternalDefault value is false.  If the value is set to true by the user and if the coding from the pay import file and the Forecasting Module differs, the pay transaction will be rejected, during the payroll process, with an error indicating that the coding of the assignment is different to the coding of the imported file.
Use Forecasting Module FieldIf the value is set to true by the user, the coding provided by the Forecasting module will have priority over the coding supplied by the import file.  When set to false, the coding supplied in the import file will be maintained unless manually overridden by the user.