Monthly Accruals Export


Once the accruals have been generated, the transactions may be exported to the financial system. This process will convert all detailed accruals information for the specified fiscal period into summary data.

Monthly Accruals Export screen fields

InterfaceSelect the Export Accruals Interface.
Export TypeAccruals for Monthly Accruals Export.
Filename to ExportThe filename of the file to Export to be entered by the user. This field is displayed only if the System parameter “Generation of JVs or Generation of Export file for Pay Export” is set to the Generation of Pay Export. This means that the financial system is not FreeBalance financials.
Selection TabAllows the user to select the fiscal period for which the transactions should be exported.
Fiscal PeriodFiscal Period associated to the accrual’s transaction.
Load Related FilesThis button displays the accruals files for the selected Fiscal Period ready to be exported.

Note: Once the Accruals transactions are generated, you are ready to do the Accruals Export.

Note: Users must ensure to respect the departmental file naming convention when creating export files.