Remuneration Scenario Report


The purpose of Remuneration Scenario Report is to display the changes on the cost monthly and annual on the salary that would affect the annual budget and then take a decision to future.

A screenshot of the Remuneration Scenario Report feature is available here. Image shown as reference material; position and names for labels, fields and buttons are subject to parameter, rendering control configuration and installed revision.

Users access Remuneration Scenario Report from within the menu through this navigation path: Payroll Management ► Nicaragua Reports ► Remuneration Scenario Report ► Remuneration Scenario Report



The following table lists and describes all filter for the Remuneration Scenario Report, in their default order. Note that some filters depend on system parameters and rendering control to be visible and/or editable to users. Filter names are subject to change through language label configuration.

Fiscal YearDrop down filter criterion for fiscal year. This is a mandatory parameter, the default value is set to the current fiscal year.
Pay CodePay code description filter criterion.
Pay PeriodDrop down filter criterion (allows to select  payperiod).
New Fixed AmountUsers add a new fixed amount to the output report.
PositionPosition lookup filter criterion.
Based on Financial Coding BlockIf it is checked the report is based on financial coding blocks.
PercentageTo generate the report by remuneration percentage.
AmountTo generate the report by remuneration amount.
Salary RangeFilter to generate the report by salary ranges.
Group Individual InstitutionsIf it is checked the report is grouped by individual institution.
Group By Institution Type
Dropdown filter for institution types.
InstitutionInstitution tree filter for this report.


Visible Fields

A sample of the Remuneration Scenario Report output is available here.The following table lists and describes all visible fields for the Remuneration Scenario Report, in their default order. Note that some fields depend on System Parameters and rendering control configuration to be visible and/or editable by users. Field names are subject to change through language label configuration.


Filter ByThe filter criteria describing how the given report has been filtered based on the user’s preferences.
Group ByThe criteria describing how the report has been grouped based on the user’s preferences.
InstitutionInstitution id of the employee.
Employee AssignmentNumber of quantity of  employee assignment that are on the salary range.
Actual Cost:  


Actual salary of the employee.


Actual seniority of the employee.

Employer Share

Actual employer share of the employee.

Bonus (thirteenth month)

Actual bonus (thirteenth month) of the employee.


Total salary of the employee.
Projection Cost:  


Projected salary of the employee.


Projected seniority of the employee.

Employer Share

Projected employer share of the employee.

Bonus (thirteenth month)

Projectedl bonus (thirteenth month) of the employee.


Total projected salary of the employee.
Monthly Cost -Increase/ Decrease 


Difference between actual salary and projected salary.


Difference between actual salary and projected seniority.

Employer Share

Difference between actual salary and projected employer share.

Bonus (thirteenth month)

Difference between actual salary and projected bonus.


Difference between actual salary and projected total.
Annual Cost - Increase / Decrease 


Annual salary cost, shows increase or decrease of the salary.


Annual seniority cost, shows increase or decrease of the seniority.

Employer Share

Annual employee share cost, shows increase or decrease of the employer share.

Bonus (thirteenth month)

Annual bonus cost, shows increase or decrease of the bonus.


Total annual cost, shows increase or decrease of the total salary.


The following table describes actions associated to the depicted button image. Note that some images are associated with several buttons, used for more than one purpose within the Remuneration Scenario Report.

Button ImageDescription
This button allows users to generate the report as PDF.
This button allows users to generate the report as MS Excel.
This button allows users to generate the report as MS Excel (XLSX format of excel).
This button allows users to generate the report as RTF.
This button allows users to generate the report as MS Word.