Expense Voucher List By Voucher# Report


This report essentially serves as a log of all expense vouchers (Eexpense Vouchers and Expense Vouchers related to Purchase Orders) within a specified numerical range that have been posted over a given period of time. This report provides total expense vouchers for each period and grand total for all periods being specified.


Expenditures ► Reports ► Expense Voucher list by Voucher # Report

Expense Voucher List by Voucher # Report Screen Fields

Fiscal YearThis field contains the Financial Year for which report will be generated
Fiscal Period FromBeginning limit for the period covered in the report.
Fiscal Period ToEnd limit for the period covered in the report.
Work Flow StatusUsers can select any options from available six options for generate the report. Options are Approved Request, Approved, Cancelled, Created, Rejected and Template.
Posting StstusFilter option for status of the transactions in the system. Options are Saved and Temp Saved.
SourceThe source of the expense voucher is mentioned in this field to generate the report. Available options are Temp and Temp Saved.
TypeThe type of voucher to be displayed in report, either ‘Against a PO’, ‘Regular Expense’, or ‘Both’.
Recurring EVsIf checked indicates that the expense vouchers are recurring. Only recurring EV will displayed in the report.
From DateBeginning limit of the posting date for the expense vouchers covered in the report.
To DateEnd limit of the posting date for the expense vouchers covered in the report.
Coding BlockThe Coding Block for the Expense Voucher List by Voucher # Report. Users can mention specific coding block for generate specific coding block wise report. 
Coding Block DescriptionA description of the coding block. This section is automatically generated and defines each segment in the coding block with regards to what group it represents in the chart of accounts.
Financial InstitutionThis field indicates the Financial Institution for generate Expense Voucher List by Voucher report. 
VendorUsers can look up and select a vendor as filter criteria for the Expense Voucher List by Voucher Report. 
Voucher Accounting OfficeThis field indicates the Accounting Office for generate report. Users can selete the institution which is used as accounting office also.
Payment ModeUsers can look up Payment Mode here to generated payment mode wise report.
Payment LocationThis field indicates the Payment Location to generate specific payment location wise report. 
Treasury Bank AccountUsers can look up Treasury Bank Account here to generated specific Treasury Bank Account wise report.