Review Promotion


The Review Promotion screen holds the reviewers (people who participate but don't make the final decision) of the promotion and their comments.


How to SEARCH:

  1. Enter the information to be used as retrieval criteria in the appropriate field (s). If you prefer to see a list of all Review Promotions, leave all fields blank.
  2. Click on the Find icon 

The Review Promotion screen includes the following fields:

Report FieldsDescription
CodeUnique identification code of the Review Promotion
AgreeIf agreed, reviewer agrees to the employee's proposed promotion. By default, this field is checked
Commentary DateThis is a view only date. It is the System date and it is not editable. Provided when reviewer provides commentary
Promotion ProposalHolds the promotion proposal information for a given employee
LanguageLanguage used
CommentCommentary by the designated reviewer on the proposed employee's promotion