This represents the summary for Alert Type.
The Alert Type screen include the following fields:
Field | Description |
ID | Auto assigned by the system |
Short name | Short title for the Alert type |
Description | Description of the Alert |
Type | Can have any of the following values “Registry of Vehicle is approved” | “Vehicle Assignment is Approved” | “Vehicle Usage Entry is Activated” | “Fuel Consumption Registry is Apporved” | “Vehicle Maintenance is approved” | "Vehicle Insurance End” | “Vehicle Insurance Entry is done” | “Next Maintenance Alert” Note: the type must be unique in all table, this will allow the user to configure only a single type for each of the value in this closed domain. |
Start Sending Alerts Days | Indicates the days in advance that an alert should be sent for some specific Alert types The value can take only integer values and can be negative or positive number, the value represent days. For example, when this value is -30, and the Alert is "Vehicle Insurance End", means that the Sending alert process must send alerts 30 days before the desired date is reached (in this case when insurance end date is reached). |
Sending Alert days periodicity | Indicates the periodicity that must be used to sent alerts users can decide to send alerts every day or every N days, where N can be any value from 1 to 30 (notice that the sign of -30 must be ignored). Therefore the user can decide to send alertys every day (then value for this attribute is 1) or every 5 days or every 10 days and so on. |
Send alert by email | Indicates if the Alert should be sent also to the users that have a registered emails as part of their contact information. when True, send emails to users. when False, do not send emails to users. Default value is: False. |