Vehicle Measure Types


This represents the summary for Vehicle Measure Types.



The Vehicle Measure Types screen include the following fields:




Unique identifier. Automatically generated by the system

Measure Code

Unique identifier for the measure type. For example depending on what is measured it can be for fuel or distance.

Fuel: Liter, Gallon, Kilowatt/H, Battery Unit, etc.

Distance: Meters, Yard, Kilometer, Mile, Nautical mile etc.

This code must be unique per each value


Short name that used for the measure.

For example: KM, MI, MT etc.

Or for gasoline: Lt, Ga, etc.


Description of the unit of measure

Measure Type

Indicates if the measure type is used for measure Fuel or Distance and can have only two different values.




Indicates if the Measure type is Active.

Is default

Indicates if the measure is the default used across the government different usages.

Only one for each different value must be allowed.

Enforce the user to check at least one row for each measure type as “is Default “.

Conversion value to Default Unit

Indicate the conversion of the value to the default Unit, in any case allow to enter any decimal value.

For example if Default “Distance” unit is Mile and the row entering is KM, value stored in this must be  1.609 (1 Mile is equal to 1.609 KM)

In case the user decide to change the default measure unit, this value should be cleared in all rows that belong to the same domain, but the system should warning the user displaying a message for that.