Cheque Lot


This mode of extraction allows you to group CHEQUE payments in a Lot Number; this works for all Cheque payment details within a specified fiscal year or a specific range of amount.


Treasury Management ► Payments  ►Admin Cheque ► Cheque Lot

Check Lot Screen Fields:

Fiscal YearFilter criteria for the Fiscal Year, default fiscal year is the current fiscal year.
Fiscal PeriodFilter criteria for the Fiscal Period, default fiscal period is the current fiscal period.
Payment MethodRead Only default “CHEQUE”.
Treasury Bank AccountSystem will filter the PEP by Treasury Bank account parent to match the records with the selected TBA
Payment Extract PaymentFilter criteria for the Payment Extract Payment ID.
Workflow StatusPayment Extract Payment Workflow Status, Read Only Default “RELEASED”.
Cheque SeriesPayment Extract Payment Cheque Series Number.
Cheque Number FromFilter criteria for Payment Extract Payment Cheque Number from
Cheque Number ToFilter criteria for Payment Extract Payment Cheque Number to
Cheque Or Deposit Date FromFilter criteria for Journal Voucher Item Cheque or Deposit date from
Cheque Or Deposit Date ToFilter criteria for Journal Voucher Item Cheque or Deposit date to
Release Date FromFilter criteria for Payment Extract Payment Payment Release Date from
Release Date ToFilter criteria for Payment Extract Payment Payment Release Date to
CurrencyFilter criteria for Currency.
Payment Amount FromFilter criteria for Payment Extract Payment Payment Amount from
Payment Amount ToFilter criteria for Payment Extract Payment Payment Amount to
Accounting OfficeFilter criteria for Payment Extract Payment Accounting Office
BeneficiaryFilter criteria for Payment Extract Payment Beneficiary.
Total Domestic Amount by Selection ItemsAuto update field, when the currency is not domestic.
Total Foreign Amount by Selection ItemsAuto update field, when the currency is not domestic.
Total Selection ItemsAuto update field, total selected cheque lot items.
Lot DetailCheque lot details results.