Geps Bid Vendor Evaluation


This entity contains the information related to the bid presented by each vendor.  It is populated with all the bidders’ information.



My PhilGEPS Bid Evaluation ► Geps Bid Vendor Evaluation
Geps Bid Vendor Evaluation screen fields



Geps Bid Evaluation

Look up to the Bid Evaluation ID related to the Bid Vendor Evaluation.

Geps Vendor

This field represents the Vendor ID.


Refers the Institute of the Bid Evaluation.

Is Eligible

Available values are ‘True’ or ‘False’. If this value is False, the bid from the vendor can not be evaluated.

Is Envelope One Pass

This refers to Technical Evaluation made to a Vendor 's Bid Response.

Is Envelope Two Pass

This Refers to Finantial Evaluation made to a Vendor's Bid Response.

Is Bid Evaluation Finished

When Bid evaluation is finished, user is to tag this attribute as True.

Envelope One Score

Score for Envelop one.

Envelope Two Score

Score for Envelop two.


Justification or general information related to the evaluation.

Reason For Not Eligible

Reason why Vendor is not eligible.



Geps Bid Vendor Evaluation

Precondition:  Vendor, Institution, Geps Bid Evaluation needs to pre-existing

  1. user BUYER is logged in.
  2. enter Geps Bid Evaluation, Geps Vendor, Institution, Envelope One Score, Envelope Two Score.
  3. If validation is Ok system saves information else prompts an error message.