Expenditures Accountability

ID Generation

Generate Perishable Lot IDThis is a setup parameter to determine if the code in the perishable lot catalogue is entered by a user or system generated. When set to false, this value will be manually entered by the user. If set to true, this value will be generated by the system and it will be left padded with zeros
Generate Asset Item IDThis is a setup parameter to determine if the code in the asset item catalogue is entered by a user or system generated. When set to false, this value will be manually entered by the user. If set to true, this value will be generated by the system and it will be left padded with zeros
Generate Asset Transaction Type IDThis is a setup parameter to determine if the code in the asset transaction type catalogue is entered by a user or system generated. When set to false, this value will be manually entered by the user. If set to true, this value will be generated by the system and it will be left padded with zeros
Generate Inventory Item Count Request IDThis is a setup parameter to determine if the code in the inventory item count request catalogue is entered by a user or system generated. When set to false, this value will be manually entered by the user. If set to true, this value will be generated by the system and it will be left padded with zeros


Other Parameters

Linked with FAIf set to true, this parameter will be linked with the fixed assets
Bar Code Mandatory in Inventory Item?

It is a boolean parameter with 'False' as default value. If the user switches it to 'true' the system must enforce an entry in the attribute titled Bar Code, within the Inventory Item screen

Bar Code Mandatory in Assets?

It is a boolean parameter with 'False' as default value. If the user switches it to 'true' the system must enforce an entry in the attribute titled Bar Code, within the Asset Item screen

Default Inventory Costing MethodThis parameter is used to set a default inventory costing method to be used within the inventory screens (ex. Weighted Average, FIFO, LIFO, etc.)
Reorder Point Notification PeriodThis parameter is used to set the number of days before a notification warning is displayed in the system to remind the user when it is time to reorder new items
Perishable Lot Expiration Notification DaysThis parameter is used to set the number of days before a notification warning is displayed in the system to remind the user when the perishable lot will expire
Location in Warehouse Mandatory?This parameter is used to make the location in the warehouse screen a mandatory field
Asset Transaction Cash Account 
Asset Transaction Gain AccountThis parameter is the GL Coding Block which must be used to credit/debit gains obtained by the result of the sale/exchange/auction of an asset or group of assets
Asset Transaction Loss AccountThis parameter is the GL Coding Block used for credit/debit losses as the result of a disposal of an asset transaction over an asset item or group of asset items
Inventory Income Coding BlockThis parameter is the GL Coding Block which must be used to credit/debit adjustment income to register an increase in physical inventory due to additional quantities found
Inventory Expense Coding BlockThis parameter is the GL Coding Block used for credit/debit adjustment expenses to register a decrease in physical inventory due to missing quantities
Allow Subclass Validation In Asset Item?This parameter makes it so the system will allow a subclass validation to appear for the asset item
Handles Depreciation Process In Asset Item?This is a Boolean parameter that relies on the need of the Asset Accountability to handle the depreciation of assets or not, in the case that depreciation is not needed, this parameter will be false and all attributes related to the depreciation process which are mandatory will be optional
Enforce entering a Goods Services Request Group?This parameter will make it mandatory to enter a goods/services request group in any screen which has the field present
Maximum Default Goods Services Request DaysThis parameter defines the maximum days for a goods/services request should take place. It sets up the default value for this parameter
Asset Item In Count Mandatory Reason For DifferenceThis parameter defines whether the asset item in count field is mandatory in the reason for difference screen
Mandatory Inventory Item In Count Status ReasonThis parameter defines whether the inventory item field is mandatory in the in count status reason screen
File name prefix for Asset Count Request file while uploading 
Inventory Expensive Account Coding Block