Recruitment Management


Recruitment Management deals with the process of retrieving candidates for open positions based on their academic qualifications and work experience. Candidates must match a series of different requirements that the available positions demand and based on their ability to meet the requirements of the position, it will be decided whether or not they will be offered an interview appointment.  This process involves a deep analysis of the applicants previous work experience and his/her relations with previous employers. Several different pieces of information are required before an applicant can be offered an interview, such as academic qualifications.

In Recruitment Management, the specific sections discussed are Recruitment Requisition, Internal Candidate Search, Internal Applicant, Applicant List, Interview Schedule and Job Offer. Each section contains explanations and goes through specific details that apply to Recruitment Management such as times of interviews, list of applicants, whether candidates are external or internal, and the submission of recruitment requisitions for approval.

Objectives and Benefits

Recruitment Requisition (For more information click here)

This process deals with the applicants and the positions specifications. If the position being sent for requisition is temporary, the budget does not need to be checked as this position is already approved budget wise and head-count wise. However, if the position being sent for requisition is not temporary, the hiring manager will not be able not be able to submit the requisition unless the budget has available head-count associated to the request. Also, if the position is not temporary, and there is no head-count available, the system will provide a warning to the hiring manager - the system will be able to identify the HR recruiter supporting the department or hiring manager.  The requisition itself will contain certain requirements such as  Job Reference Number, Planned Hire Date, Full-time/Part Time, Salary, Language, Medical Requirements and other contents.

 When an application is submitted by a current employee the system will notify the recruiter of the application. They can go to the system and look up the job reference number and see all the applicants for the positions and the system will collect all internal applications for the position and will provide a report with the certain information such as Position ID#, Employee Name, Date of submission of application, matching of qualifications, and others.  

 Internal Candidate Search and Internal Applicants (For more information on the Internal Candidate Search click here, for Internal Applicants, click here)

NOTE: To complete an Internal Candidate Search you must have filled out a Recruitment Requisition.

Based on the matching and assessment of the candidate against the requirements the recruiter will be able to access the file and notify the candidate if the candidate has been selected for either interview, additional test or did not meet the qualifications. The employee record will retain the information on why the candidate did not meet the qualifications. Internal Applicants and External Applicants are both discussed and are key components of Recruitment Management. Available job positions are sometimes open to external candidates, meaning candidates who are not already within the organization itself, and internal candidates are those who are already apart of the organization, but still apply for other jobs.

 Applicant List (For more information click here)

NOTE: To complete an Applicant List you must have filled out a Recruitment Requisition and Internal Applicants.

 The list of entire applicants will be given to the HR recruiter for reviewing. The recruiter will be able to capture the information from the applicant references either in a form basis or enter details related to the results of the reference checks. The recruiter contacts the candidate either by email or phone to schedule an interview. The recruiter will be able to enter notes in the application process indicating stage of applications.  The recruiter notifies the Hiring Manager of internal candidates who meet the necessary qualifications for the position along with test scores. There are many different qualifications that can influence an employer to hire a candidate. Two of the most important would be academic qualifications and work experience. Academic qualifications is an important factor as to whether or not an applicant is to be considered, as it is important to make sure the education is in direct correlation with the assignments and tasks to be completed.  A candidate's employment history is also extremely important to an employer as it will help the employer get a more detailed knowledge of how the candidate completes tasks and assignments in the work place. Many different factors such as attendance, team work, initiative and behavior come into place when one discusses work experience.

 Interview Schedule (For more information click here)

NOTE: To complete an Interview Schedule you must have filled out a Recruitment Requisition and Internal Applicants.

Each applicant can have one or more interviews. One interview can be assigned to more than one interviewer. The Hiring Manager will be able to view the short list of candidates and or any other internal candidate who applies for the position. The recruiter will be able to see anybody that has been recommended to be promoted in this position

 Job Offer (For more information click here)

NOTE: To complete a Job Offer you must have filled out a Recruitment Requisition and Internal Applicants.

The Hiring Manager shall be able to select the candidate which best meets the requirements of the position and notify the recruiter to generate an offer. The offer will include certain information such as date, name, position, description of duties, vacation allowances, compensation and others.