Field | Description |
Workflow Status | Current workflow status of the budget control. It is a closed domain, means automatically updated by the system. |
Budget Control Type | Function used to define the Budget Control Types (e.g., Allotement1, Allotment2, Financial Budget, etc.) and link each type with a pre-defined COA Group. |
Fiscal Year | Fiscal Year of the Budget Control. Default value is the current Fiscal Year in the system. |
Budget Office | Budget Office of the Budget Control. |
Allow To Exceed | Default value of the Exceed amount when the budget control is created. It defines if the created Budget allowed to exceed or not. |
Coding Block | Coding Block for the Budget Control. Coding block is a string which defines an account. The string represents hierarchical elements defining that particular account. |
Tolerance Percentage | Allowable variances in Percentage that can be exceed the Budget Control amount during expenditures. Default is as defined in the Budget Control Parameters. The Tolerance Percentage should not exceed the Default Tolerance Percentage defined in the Budget Control parameters. |
Tolerance Amount | Users can only use either the Tolerance Percentage or Tolerance Amount. |
Currency | The user to select the Voucher Currency. Default is Domestic Currency. If the general parameter 'System Accepts Multi-Currency Transactions' is False, then this field will be disabled and its value is Domestic Currency. |
Exchange Rate | Will show the latest active exchange rate for the selected currency which is linked to the Appropriations, users can change the rate if allowed in the Appropriations parameters, otherwise this field will be ‘Display only’ and updated only by the system when the currency is selected. Default is 1 (because default currency is Domestic). If the general parameter 'System Accepts Multi-Currency Transactions' is False, then this field will be disabled. |
Validated By Foreign Currency | To indicate if the foreign amount is the one to be used for amount validation when a transaction is posted. If No, then the converted domestic amount will be used for validation. If the general parameter 'System Accepts Multi-Currency Transactions' is False, then this field will be disabled. |
Budget Distribution Control | Indicates if the amount of the transaction is validated against the distributed amount for the relevant period or against the total amount of the budget control (if not checked). |
Budget Control Based on Accumulated Period Amount | This field is used when Budget Control is in distribution. It is a read only field, get activated only when Budget Distribution Control attribute is true |
Original Amount (Domestic) | Domestic Budget Control original amount. |
Original Amount (Foreign) | Foreign Budget Control original amount |
Transfers (Domestic) | Running total Domestic amount of Budget Control Update Voucher of type Transfer for the given control; automatically calculated. |
Transfers (Foreign) | Running total foreign amount of Budget Control Update Voucher of type Transfer for the given control; automatically calculated. |
Updates (Domestic) | Running total Domestic Amount of Budget Control Update Voucher of type Update for the given control; automatically calculated. |
Updates (Foreign) | Running total foreign amount of Budget Control Update Voucher of type Update for the given control. This value is updated with each transaction of type Adjustment. |
Reserve (Domestic) | Running Total Domestic Requested Amount Credit of Virement Voucher. This value is updated when workflow status request for approval. |
Reserve (Foreign) | Running Total Foreign Requested Amount Credit of Virement Voucher. This value is updated when workflow status request for approval. |
Current Amount (Domestic) | Domestic budget original amount +/- Transfers +/- Updates through Budget Transfer Vouchers; automatically calculated. |
Current Amount (Foreign) | Calculated Field, Display Only field display Foreign budget original amount +- Transfers +- Updates +- Reserve through Budget Transfer Vouchers |
Allocated (Domestic) | Total amount of related children budget controls that are controlled by this BC. If the child BC does not exist, then the value of this field is zero; automatically calculated. |
Allocated (Foreign) | Calculated Field, Display Only field reads foreign total amount of related children budget controls that are controlled by this BC. If the child BC does not exist, then the value of this field is zero; automatically calculated. |
Unallocated (Domestic) | Current Domestic Unallocated Amount; automatically calculated. |
Unallocated (Foreign) | Current Foreign Unallocated Amount; automatically calculated. |
Non-Main Allocated (Domestic) | Calculated Field, reads domestic total amount of related children budget controls that are controlled by this BC. If the child BC doesn't exist, then this attribute will have zero. |
Non-Main Allocated (Foreign) | Calculated Field, reads foreign total amount of related children budget controls that are controlled by this BC. If the child BC doesn't exist, then this attribute will have zero. |
Non-Main Unallocated (Domestic) | Calculated Field = Domestic Current BC Amount - Non-Main Allocated (Domestic) |
Non-Main Unallocated (Foreign) | Calculated Field =Foreign Current BC Amount - Non-Main Allocated (Foreign) |
YTD Actual (Domestic) | Actual Total Domestic YTD Amount of posted transactions to the related Coding Block at the GL level; automatically calculated. |
YTD Actual (Foreign) | Actual Total Foreign YTD Amount of posted transactions to the related Coding Block at the GL level; automatically calculated. |
Obligation (Domestic) | Domestic amount of the Obligations. This field reads from the Total Domestic Amount of posted Obligations to the related Coding Block at the GL level; automatically calculated. |
Obligations (Foreign) | Calculated Field, Display Only field reads from the total foreign amount of posted Obligations to the related Coding Block at the GL level |
Commitments (Domestic) | Calculated Field, Display Only field reads from the total domestic amount of posted Commitments to the related CB at the GL level |
Commitments (Foreign) | Calculated Field, Display Only field reads from the total foreign amount of posted Commitments to the related CB at the GL level |
Indicative Commitments (Domestic) | Calculated Field, Display Only field reads from the total domestic amount of posted Indicative Commitments to the related CB at the GL level |
Indicative Commitments (Foreign) | Calculated Field, Display Only field reads from the total foreign amount of posted Indicative Commitments to the related CB at the GL level |
Free Balance (Domestic) | Automatically calculated field. Domestic Current Budget Control Amount - (Domestic YTD Actual + Domestic Obligations + Domestic Commitments). |
Free Balance (Foreign) | Automatically calculated field. Foreign Current Budget Control Amount – (Foreign YTD Actual + Foreign Obligations + Foreign Commitments) |
Accumulated Obligation (Domestic) | Calculated Field, Display Only field reads from the total domestic amount of posted transactions |
Accumulated Obligation (Foreign) | Calculated Field, Display Only field reads from the total foreign amount of posted transactions |
Paid (Domestic) | Total domestic amount of posted transactions to the related CB at the GL level |
Paid(Foreign) | Total foreign amount of posted transactions to the related CB at the GL level |
Annual Forecast (Domestic) | Annual Domestic Forecast amount, default is zero |
Annual Forecast (Foreign) | Annual Foreign Forecast amount, default is zero |
Surplus / Deficit (Domestic) | Automatically calculated field. Domestic Current BC Amount – Domestic Annual Forecast |
Surplus / Deficit (Foreign) | Automatically calculated field. Foreign Current BC Amount – Foreign Annual Forecast |
Active | Whether the budget control active or not. |
Created By | Indicates the user who created the budget control; automatically populated. |
Created On | Indicates the date the budget control was created; automatically populated. |
Approved By | Indicates the user who approved the budget control; automatically populated. |
Approved On | Indicates when the budget control was approved; automatically populated. |
Grouping Category | The assigned user is able to group budget controls accordingly to type. |
Distributions Tab | Section where the Budget Distributions are defined for the Current Fiscal Year. |