Loan Deduction Import Results


The Loan Deduction Results screen allows the user to retrieve the previously generated Loan Deduction file. The file retrieved is the file that comes from Payment Solution Uganda (PSU).


How to SEARCH:

  1. Enter the information to be used as retrieval criteria in the appropriate field (s). If you prefer to see a list of all, leave all fields blank.
  2. Click on the Find icon 

The Loan Deduction Import Results screen includes the following fields:

Correlative Idunique identification number for the file 
Element Codefirst segment of the financial coding block
Ministry of Departmentsname of the Ministry associated to the employee
Deduction Codethe unique identification number associated to the loan deduction
Employee Number the employee number associated with the deduction loan
Employee Namethe name of the employee  associated with the deduction loan
Payrolltype of payroll associated with employee (traditional or teacher)
Amountloan amount
Employee Deduction Counterhow many payments left
Actionaction of the loan (A-Add, D-Delete, T-Top Up)
Vendor Coderepresents the bank that is giving the loan to the employee
Statusthe status of the loan
Import Datethe date the deduction loan was imported
Effective Datethe starting date for the loan
Remarks additional Remarks or Comments