Goods/Services Requests


Goods/Services Request is to provide a unique entry point of registering and processing goods and services requests based on a workflow that starts in the Institution Unit where the goods and services are required. The registry process provides a helpful feature based on souring packages which are predefined sets of Inventory Items (this is applicable only for Inventory type Goods) with predefined specific quantities.

The Asset and Inventory Departments are responsible for identifying the warehouse suppliers based on suggested warehouses provided by the system.  Finally the warehouses are responsible of the delivery process made through a 'Dispatch Order'.  Each requested Item has an individual progress of the supply process, meaning that partial delivery of Goods/Services Requests is allowed, updating the Good and Services Request status to’Delivered' when all its related items have been fully delivered to the Institution Unit.

When there is no availability of the items requested (in the case of goods)  or for the case of Replenishment Requests (from a particular Warehouse), the system mark those items as candidates for a Purchase Requisition, and once this Purchase Requisition has been issued by the Purchasing Department Responsible (initially this generates the Purchase Requisition to the FreeBalance Application Classic Application), the system updates via web service the PR number as a reference to the Goods/Services Request Item.



Assets & Inventories Commons ► Goods/Services Requests


Good/Services Request screen Fields

CodeUnique Id, automatically generated by the system.
Fiscal YearAutomatically assigned by the system with current fiscal year.
Fiscal PeriodAutomatically assigned by the system with current fiscal Period
Created OnAutomatically populated by the system.
is Replenishment RequestDefault value is false, read only attribute, this value will be true only for G/S Requests generated by the Replenishment Request Process.
Request StatusThese are the possible status for the goods/services request. This can change for different workflow configurations.
Registered ByAutomatically populated by the system, the user could change it.
Request Institution UnitThis is the institution unit that requires the goods/services.
PriorityThis attribute can take one of the following values Low, Medium, High
Minimum Required DateThe minimum required date to receive the goods/services.
Maximum Required DateThe maximum required date to receive the goods/service
Reception of Goods ResponsibleThe employee responsible of receiving the goods or the acceptance of the services in the Institution Unit.
LanguageLanguage use to enter the Goods/Services Request.
AbbreviationShot description of G/S Request
DescriptionShot description of G/S Request.
Created ByUser who created the G/S Request, Automatically populated by the system.
Approved ByAutomatically populated by the system when workflow reaches the Approved Stage.
Approved DateAutomatically populated by the system when workflow reaches the Approved Stage.
Request Sourcing Packages TabThis entity represents the different sourcing packages associated to a Goods/Services Request. Sourcing Packages are predefined item/quantity for a specific activity or destination, e.g. Training Courses.
Request Items tabThis entity represents the G/S Request Items belonging to a particular G/S Request.
Attachment TabAllows attaching files that may be relevant for the G/S Request.