Budget Control of Goal Distribution

Budget Control of Goal Distribution screen fields



Fiscal Period

Fiscal Period for the distribution.

Initial Quota
Calculated read-only field with Initial Quota of Result Voucher for the given period of the control.
It can be positive or negative. The default value is zero.
Calculated read-only field with Quota of Result Voucher Type set for the given period of the control.
It can be positive or negative. The default value is zero.
Calculated read-only field with Update of Result Voucher for the given period of the control. Initial value is zero.
Current Quota
Calculated, display only field displays current budget.
Current Quota = Initial Quota +- Updates from  Result Vouchers.
YTD ActualsCalculated read-only field with  YTD actual of Result Voucher for the given period of the control. Initial value is zero.
Free BalanceCalculated, display Only filed. Free Balance = Current for the period – YTD