Contact CSO


Contact CSO contains the catalogue for contacts in the CSO organization as registered in the system. 



My Organization ► Contact CSO


Contact CSO screen fields and Tab




This is an Unique identifier. A Setup parameter to determine if entered by user or system generated. If it is  system generated, it is then left padded with zeros.


Possible Values:True/False.Default value is True.If true, the Contact can be used and referenced.


Title for salutation. It is a mandatory field.

First Name

First or given name field.

Middle Name

Middle name field.

Last Name

Last name field.


Gender of CSO contact for PhilGEPS. The Possible Values is MALE/FEMALE.

Fax Number

Fax Number of the CSO Contact.

Telephone Code 

Numeric Telephone Country Code like: “234”, “351”.

Telephone Number

Numeric telephonic number.

Mobile Number

Mobile Number of the Contact.


Email address of the CSO contact.

Supporting Document

Attachments Upload collection from 1 to many.


Designation of the PhilGEPS contact for CSO

User Role

The user role is Assigned by the System Administrator.

Application User

Application user for the CSO Contact.

User: CSO
  1. User is logged into the system.
  2. User goes to Contact CSO option.
  3. System presents Contact CSO form.
  4. User clicks on ‘Create’ Button.
  5. User fills out the Contact CSO information form presented by the system.
  6. User attach the Supporting Document for a particular Contact CSO.
  7. Assign User Role and Application user for the CSO Contact.
  8. User clicks ‘Save’ button to save the Contact CSO information.
  9. If users does not save the Contact CSO information, system does not record it and shows error message.