Bid Document Fee


Refers to the list of fees that a Vendor has to pay for Bid Documents based on the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) and the range of cost for bidding documents.



Catalogues ► Bid Document Fee


Bid Document Fee screen Fields




Unique identification code of Bid Document Fee either entered by users or system generated as defined by set-up parameter.


This field defines whether the record is for use or for refernce purpose only. True is the default value.


A short description of the fee.

Maximum Cost Bidding Documents

Maximum cost of bidding documents.

Effective Date

Start Date of the fee’s effectivity.

Approved Budget Contract Maximum Range

Maximum Amount for the bid project.



User: Admin

  1. User is logged into the system.
  2. User goes to Bid Document Fee option.
  3. System presents Bid Document Fee form.
  4. User clicks on ‘Create’ Button.
  5. User fills out the Bid Document Fee information form presented by the system.
  6. User clicks ‘Save’ button to save the Bid Document Fee information.
  7. If user does not save the Bid Document Fee information, system does not record it.