Generic Contact List


It allows to create a generic list of contacts for PhilGEPS.



Catalogues ► Generic Contact List


Generic Contact List screen field and Tabs





Unique identification code of Generic Contract List either entered by user or system generated as defined in system parameters.


Possible Values for this field are TRUE/FALSE. Default value is TRUE. True value refers that the record is available for use. Otherwise, it is for reference purpose only.


Defines the level of formality regarding contact person form of addressing.

First Name

First Name of the contact.

Middle Name

Middle Name of the contact.

Last Name

Last Name of the contact.



User: Admin

  1. User is logged into the system and goes to Generic Contact List screen.
  2. User clicks on ‘Create’ Button.
  3. User fills out the necessary Generic Contact List information in the fields.
  4. User clicks on ‘Save’ button.
  5. If user does not fills up correct information in mandatory fields, system does not saves the record and shows an error message.