Non Business Days


This is used to register the Non Business Day. User is able to register any Non Business Day recurrent through the years or not.



Catalogues ► Non Business Days


Non Business Days screen Fields





Non Business Day ID unique for each record.


If true, it indicates that this specific date is non business day and no activity can be scheduled for the bid process, except for publication day. Deault value is True.


Description or Name of Non Dusiness Day.

Is Recurrent

This field defines whether Non Business Day is Recurrent. Default value for this field is True.


Non Business Day Date to selected from calendar button.

Fiscal Year

Fiscal year to be selected from dropdown box.


User: Admin

  1. User is logged into the system and goes to Non Business Days screen.
  2. User clicks on ‘Create’ Button.
  3. User fills out the necessary Non Business Days information in the fields.
  4. User clicks on ‘Save’ button.
  5. If user does not fills up correct information in mandatory fields, system does not saves the record and shows an error message.